Do I have to be religious if I am to believe in God?

God is looking for a relationship with you and not religion. He is looking for an eternal family. He does not just want pets, but a family who can fill His beautiful Kingdom and love being there with Him.

This life has been described as being like a test drive where you test drive a car before you purchase it. The time of testing is very short compared to the time of ownership. This life is very short when compared to eternity. God has given us all the freedom to choose if we want to trust God and love Him in return for His love for us.

Jesus died on a cross died and three days later rose from the dead

We look at people from the outside, while God looks at us from the inside, which is our heart and mind. Most of religion is viewed from the outside with ritualistic behaviour, but God is more concerned about what we believe and how we behave. From all of the different religions in the world, how many could be telling the truth? At the most only one could be presenting the truth as there are so many contradictions between religions. What we need to be sure is that we are believing the truth. Jesus Christ who is the only founder of a religion who died and three days later rose from the dead.

It is important that we don’t build our faith in God on our own thoughts, or simply follow what other people say, but allow God to reveal Himself to you through His Word we call the Bible. You will need to join with others to grow in your understanding of God. You will also have the opportunity of helping others come to faith and grow in their faith. To many the Christian faith is seen as another religion, but you don’t have to go through religious rituals to earn your way into heaven. Eternal life is a gift from God when we seek His forgiveness and accept Him into our lives, not a reward for being a good person, or being religious.

God’s enemy will do all he can to distract people from knowing God in a personal way. Because God created us with a body, soul and a spirit He has given us the ability to have a personal relationship with Him, but if we don’t want that relationship then there is a void within us that many people try to fill with religion. Even atheism becomes a godless religion.

There is a vast difference between the Christian faith and all other religionsThere is far more consistency in the Bible than in the scriptures of other religions

If you look closely at the difference between the Christian faith and other religions you will see there is a vast difference between the Word of God and all other religions. There is far more consistency in the writings within the Bible than in other scriptures. When you look at Jesus Christ and compare Him with others who founded, or actively involved with the formation of their religion, there is no comparison between Jesus and all other people on earth.


God’s truth
Focus on Jesus and His love for you and the Bible which is God’s word for you.
The Devil’s deception
If you have to be religious that is good just don’t follow Jesus.