Where to from here?

Where to from here?

For those who have chosen to place their trust in God and have received His Holy Spirit, you have made the best decision you could ever make. Your body will die one day, but there is no fear in death. You will go through a transformation into an eternal body that will never age or die.

But until that happens you have the privilege of being God’s ambassador in your world. To represent God and to be His child is a real privilege. It is important that you grow in your faith in God and your knowledge of God’s Word the Bible.

God will honour those who serve Him here on this earth and this honour and blessing will be throughout eternity. Investing into eternity is a very good investment. Investment does not mean money although money could be a part of it. Investment means having a clean heart and a clear desire to honour and serve God. If you help other people come to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ then you will see God’s blessing in an amazing way. There is more rejoicing in heaven over one person who turns from their sin, than ninety nine who don’t need to. This promise in the Bible is worth remembering.

This world desperately needs to know about God’s love and His gift of eternal life. Why should anyone miss out on living forever considering all that Christ went through to make the free gift of eternal life possible?

Pray and study the Word of God with other believers

Our plan is to give everyone an opportunity of knowing of Jesus love and gift of eternal life. We cannot make people believe, but we can give them an opportunity to live forever.

Would you like to help us reach across this nation and beyond?

Start by finding a small group of followers of Christ and pray and study the Word of God together. By doing this you will be strengthened in your faith, as well as help others in their faith.


God’s truth
God wants you to grow strong in your understanding of His love and His words. He wants you to represent Him in your world.
The Devil’s deception
Ignore God and go your own way.